Thursday 14 November 2013

DTP - Day 11 of 28

DTP : "Dramatic Transformation Principle. It's a combination of reps, weights, and workout techniques that will radically alter your physique. Give Kris four weeks, and he'll give you more muscle. You will get bigger. You will get stronger. You will get ripped."

I probably should have posted up my stats and the program I'm currently taking before posting my progress pics/info eh?

Here is the program:

Kris Gethin's DTP: 4 Weeks To Maximum Muscle

My starting weight: 175lbs
Current weight: 180lbs
Goal weight: 200lbs

These photo's were taken exactly 7 days after I begun the program (last week Sunday), however due to my busy schedule with exams and assignments, I was only able to get around to posting updates now.

Body is getting bigger/stronger, but it does not stop here. I will continue to push the limits of my physical and mental capabilities!

Previous Weeks photography and stats.

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